Panorama ile Güvenlik Portalı ortaklığında geliştirilen ve eş zamanlı yayınlanacak olan “Odak Suriye” programının yedincisi için sanal ortamda bir araya gelen Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın (Kadir Has Üniversitesi), Doç. Dr. Nihat Ali Özcan (TOBB-ETÜ) ve Dr. Kaan Kutlu Ataç (Mersin Üniversitesi) ve Doç. Dr. Serhat Erkmen (Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik…
Foreign Policy Talks Series: Developments in the South Caucasus: Regional Perspectives
The aim of this new initiative is to reach the general public as well as specialist audiences with informed assessments on the state of our world. It is an extension of the work being carried out both by the Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University…
devamıCOVID-19 SONRASI KÜRESEL SİSTEM: ESKİ SORUNLAR, YENİ TRENDLER, Ed. by Ufuk Ulutaş, SAM, 2020 COVID-19’un hayatımıza girmesine paralel şekilde salgının küresel etkileri üzerine yoğun bir tartışma da başladı. Bir tarafta artık hiçbir şeyin eskisi gibi olmayacağını söyleyenler ile sistemde pek bir şeyin değişmeyeceğini ifade edenler, bu tartışmada iki ucu oluşturuyor.…
devamıRussia’s quest for power
The international system has been evolving ever since the bipolarity of the Cold War ended. As the unipolar U.S. moment was short lived, and none of the international powers has enough capacity to unilaterally dominate its peers, a somewhat multipolar world system is slowly emerging. Under such conditions, Russia, since…
devamıSoğuk Savaş'ın sona erişinin 25. yılında Avrasya Kadir Has Üniversitesi'nin düzenlediği 2. Uluslararası İlişkiler Konferansı'nda değerlendirildi.
devamıEnergy has been the defining factor in human development and determining factor in the hegemonic structure of world politics. The fundamental role of coal and steam, as key ingredients of the Industrial Revolution, and global control of their trade in the 18th and 19th century by the British Empire led…
devamıTurkey’s Caucasus Policies
UNISCI DISCUSSION PAPERS, NO. 23, 2010. Mustafa AYDIN The emergence of newly independent states in the Caucasus at the end of the Cold War presented challenges toTurkey, while enlarging its role. The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the century-old Soviet/Russianthreat, while at the same time created a power vacuum…
devamıuntitled The mosaic of problems in the Black Sea region is one of the more important challenges that the enlarged European Union will have to face. So far, the EU and the Black Sea region are connected only via Greece, three accession countries (Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey), and by the…
devamıFoucaultʼs Pendulum: Turkey In Central Asia and the Caucasus
TURKISH STUDIES, VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2004 Mustafa AYDIN The emergence of eight independent states in Central Asia and the Caucasus after the end of the Cold War presented challenges to Turkey, while enlarging its role in the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the century-old Soviet/Russian threat…
devamıTHE REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, VOLUME 3, NO. 2, 2003. Mustafa AYDIN Although not one of the great powers of the twentieth century, its geopolitic allocation has enabled Turkey to play a potentially higher role in world politics than otherwise would have been possible. It not only holds the key to…
devamıDeterminants of Turkish Foreign Policy: Changing Patterns and Conjunctures During the Cold War
MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, VOLUME 36, NO. 1, 2000 Mustafa AYDIN I looked elsewhere at the structural determinants of Turkish foreign policy, which included the factors that have traditionally influenced and shaped the foreign policy of Turkey from imperial times, through the inter-war years with Atatürk, to the present-day Republic. Thanks…