Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, internet üzerinden yayın gerçekleştiren Paradigma ekibi ile Karadeniz'deki son gelişmeleri ve Türk Dış Politikası'nı değerlendirdi.
devamıBlack Sea
Çok uzun zaman oldu Karadeniz’i konuşmayalı; çünkü Karadeniz uluslararası siyasette gündemden büyük ölçüde düştü. Son 20 yılda o kadar çok “Karadeniz” konuşması yaptım ki, ben konuşmayınca sanki hiç konuşulmuyor gibi gelmeye başladı. Lütfen bu ifademi kendini beğenmişlik olarak algılamayın; zira Karadeniz coğrafyasına akademik bir çalışma alanı olarak ilk bakan üç-dört…
devamıThe second installment of the Foreign Policy Talks series focused on “Whither Security in the Black Sea Region” where invited well-known experts will assess the key issues affecting the region.
devamıThe uncertainties caused by the absence of a grand bargain between Russia and the United States are having a costly effect on both Turkey and the rest of the world, according to Mustafa Aydın, the rector of Kadir Has University. The lack of response to Russian moves in the Caucasus led to Russia’s…
devamıWhat’s happening in Ukraine?
It has been more than three years since Ukrainians gathered at Maidan Square in Kyiv on the night of Nov. 21, 2013, to demand closer integration with Europe and the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych. As the protests spread and Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement with the EU,…
devamıTowards NATO’s Warsaw summit
The official activation of NATO’s first land-based ballistic missile defense system in Deveselu, a former air base in southern Romania, on May 12, has added another layer to the already strained relationship between Russia and the West. The security assessments for the eastern and southern flanks of NATO have been…
devamıGeniş Karadeniz havzasında yaşanan siyasi istikrarsızlıklar, 1989’da Berlin Duvarı’nın yıkılması ve 1991’de Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılması ile sona eren Soğuk Savaş’ın ardından uluslararası sistemi zorlayan en ciddi sıkıntıların başında geliyor. Rusya ve Batı’yı (Avrupa Birliği ve ABD) 21. yüzyılda bir kez daha karşı karşıya getiren son Ukrayna krizi ve takip eden…
devamıWestern prevarications
Bu yazı 19.02.2015 tarihinde Hurriyet Daily News Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande brokered a truce between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Feb. 12 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to subdue the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine. After intense and acrimonious…
devamıSOUTHEAST EUROPEAN AND BLACK SEA STUDIES, VOLUME 10, NO. 3. Mustafa AYDIN and Dimitrios TRIANTAPHYLLOU The Black Sea region is coming into its own although it is at times a contested and dangerous neighbourhood. Despite heightened interest in the region, its real priorities and needs are still being largely ignored…
devamıA 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region
The Black Sea region is coming into its own - but it is a contested and sometimes dangerous neighbourhood. It has undergone countless political transformations over time. And now, once again, it is becoming the subject of an intense debate. This reflects the changing dynamics of the Black Sea countries…
devamıuntitled The mosaic of problems in the Black Sea region is one of the more important challenges that the enlarged European Union will have to face. So far, the EU and the Black Sea region are connected only via Greece, three accession countries (Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey), and by the…
devamıSOUTHEAST EUROPEAN AND BLACK SEA STUDIES, VOLUME 5, NO. 2, May 2005. Mustafa AYDIN Situated at the crossroads between Europe and Asia as well as Russia and the Middle East, the Black Sea is more than a region of local strategic significance, representing an axis of increasing geo-political importance to…