
The future of Europe and the EU

09 Mart 2017

Amid rising populism, xenophobia, and anti-establishment moods globally, several European countries including the Netherlands, France, Germany, and possibly Italy are preparing for an election cycle that may have significant impact on the future of the EU and indeed Europe. The combination of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S., Britain’s Brexit…


Türkiye’de muhafazakâr, dindar ve milliyetçi taban büyüyor

01 Mart 2017

Trump’ın ABD başkanlık koltuğuna oturmasıyla başlayan yeni süreçte belirsizlik dönemi halen sürüyor. Henüz seyri tam çizilemeyen Türkiye-ABD ilişkilerini, enerji konusunda öncelikli konu olan ancak tıkanan Kıbrıs görüşmelerini, artan sağ ve sol popülizmin seçimler arifesindeki AB’ye etkilerini, Rusya meselesini, yaklaşan referandum dahil Türk halkının siyasal sosyal eğilimlerini Kadir Has Üniversitesi Rektörü…


The logjam in Syria and Iraq

23 Şubat 2017

A few days ago, the Iraqi army launched its second offensive in the last six months to recapture Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) that has controlled the city and its surroundings for almost three years. Although the first operation by the Iraqi forces, with…


What’s happening in Ukraine?

16 Şubat 2017

It has been more than three years since Ukrainians gathered at Maidan Square in Kyiv on the night of Nov. 21, 2013, to demand closer integration with Europe and the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych. As the protests spread and Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement with the EU,…


Quo Vadis Europe?

09 Şubat 2017

The rise of populist leaders around the world continues to astound many, though it is obvious by now that this will be the defining feature of early 21st century politics. Not long after U.S. President Donald Trump talked about “economic protectionism” and issued a presidential directive to suspend the admission…
