TURKISH PERSPECTIVES QUARTERLY, FALL 2004 Mustafa AYDIN and Sinem AKGÜL AÇIKMEŞE The decision of the European Council in December 2004 on whether to start accession negotiations with Turkey will mark a historic turning point in Turkey-EU relations. Both sides are now standing at a crossroads contemplating whether to take advantage…
devamıMakaleler | Journal Articles
Ortadoğu’da Ekonomik İlişkilerin Siyasi Çerçevesi; Türkiye’nin İran, Irak ve Suriye ile Bağlantıları
ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLER, CİLT 1, SAYI 2, Yaz 2004. Mustafa AYDIN* ve Damla ARAS** Ortadoğu'nun siyasi açıdan baskıcı - iktisadi açıdan kontrollü ülkelerinde, serbest pazar ekonomisinin hakim olduğu liberal siyasi ortama sahip ülkelerin aksine, siyasi mantlk iktisadi faaliyetleri belirler. Bölgede iktisadi ilişkilerin çerçevesinin belirlenmesinde siyasi bağlantılar önceliğe sahip olduğu için, kendi…
devamıFoucaultʼs Pendulum: Turkey In Central Asia and the Caucasus
TURKISH STUDIES, VOLUME 5, NO. 2, 2004 Mustafa AYDIN The emergence of eight independent states in Central Asia and the Caucasus after the end of the Cold War presented challenges to Turkey, while enlarging its role in the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the century-old Soviet/Russian threat…
devamıTHE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR, NO. 3, 2004 Mustafa AYDIN and Sinem AKGÜL AÇIKMEŞE Seventeen years after Turkey first knocked on Europe’s door for fullmembership, the European Commission took a crucial step on 6 October2004, recommending the Council to open accession negotiations withTurkey. As the final decision by the European leaders draws…
devamıCrypto-optimism in Turkish-Greek relations. What is next?
JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN EUROPE AND THE BALKANS, 2003 Turkish–Greek problems are not new. They are well delineated and have remained dormant until very recently when the EU Helsinki summit in 1999 took a decision to accept Turkey's candidature, accompanied by lifting of the Greek veto on Turkish membership aspirations and…