Köşe Yazıları | Op-eds

Whither Turkish-American relations

06 Nisan 2017

Turkey-U.S. relations have passed through many phases since the end of the Second World War, with many ups and downs. Every period has its own label and legal framework attached to it. One tag that caught the imaginations of decision-makers and pundits alike was the “strategic partnership” of the late 1990s,…


Power struggle in the Black Sea

30 Mart 2017

Since the Russian annexation of Crimean Peninsula in March 2014, the Black Sea has become one of the areas of confrontation between Russia and the West. In response to Russian aggression towards Ukraine, NATO leaders decided in the Wales Summit on Sept. 4-5, 2014 to increase the Alliance’s deterrence capability…


Transatlantic ties

16 Mart 2017

The first meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, originally scheduled for March 14 but postponed to March 17 due to heavy storms, will be an occasion for pundits to compare their characters, policy choices and weight in world politics. More importantly, it will be watched…


The future of Europe and the EU

09 Mart 2017

Amid rising populism, xenophobia, and anti-establishment moods globally, several European countries including the Netherlands, France, Germany, and possibly Italy are preparing for an election cycle that may have significant impact on the future of the EU and indeed Europe. The combination of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S., Britain’s Brexit…
